Top 10 Mistakes Spanish Speakers Make in English [ENG]

Having taught English in Spain for almost 10 years now, I think I’m pretty well placed to compile a list of my own personal top 10 mistakes that native Spanish speakers make in English. Before we begin, however, I would like to give an honourable mention to ‘Double Negatives‘ and ‘I Want That‘. I could easily have included them in the list, but nobody reads a ‘Top 12’, do they? If 10 mistakes just aren’t enough for you, though, please do check out the links.

I’ve ranked them from the least annoying (number 10) to the most annoying (number 1). If you happen to detect a note of annoyance in my words, I would like to politely remind you that it’s been 10 years. I’ve been correcting these selfsame mistakes for 10 bloody years…

covering ears

10. I’m Agree

Example: I’m not agree with my teacher.

Correction: I don’t agree with my teacher.

‘Agree’ is not an adjective and it’s most certainly not a noun. So why do you guys keep saying ‘I’m agree’? ‘Agree’ is a verb. Got it? It’s just a normal, regular, common-or-garden verb.


So please, can we all just be agree never to use the verb ‘to be’ before we say ‘agree’? The world will be a more beautiful place if you can all just let go of estoy de acuerdo’.

‘I’m agree’ makes your teacher’s ear bleed. Got it?


9. Misuse of the Present Perfect Tense

Example: I’ve heard this mistake in my last class.

Correction: I’ve heard this mistake.

I almost used ‘abuse’ rather than ‘misuse’ in the title but, out of kindness, decided not to. Maybe I’m being too hard on you all. I know you’re trying your best.

As a second act of kindness, I’ve also produced an entire blog post on exactly this topic. It’s great. Have a look. It’s called The English Present Perfect for Spanish Speakers.

To summarise, if it’s Monday morning, don’t talk about the weekend using the present perfect tense. ‘Cómo ha ido el finde?’ is not acceptable in English unless it’s still the weekend when you say it. It sounds wrong. It confuses us and we’re already confused enough because it’s Monday morning and we haven’t had any coffee yet.

‘How was your weekend?’ sounds just fine. Past simple. The weekend is over. Leave our poor ears alone. Haven’t they suffered enough?


8. The Saxon Genitive

Example: I’m testing the patience of my teacher.

Correction: I’m testing my teacher’s patience.

The Saxon what now? Don’t worry about the name; I’m talking about expressing possession using an apostrophe and an ’s’ at the end of words. Patrick’s bleeding ears’ or ‘your poor teacher’s patience’, for example.

Of course, anyone able to read this post in English must already be at least vaguely aware of this form. Many of you, however, still won’t be using it enough.

Phrases like ‘the boyfriend of my friend’ sound really awkward in English and should definitely be replaced with some version of ‘my friend’s boyfriend’.

In fact, every time someone says something like ‘the friend of my boyfriend’, a little Saxon genitive fairy dies. Are you a fairy killer? Do you want fairy blood on your hands?

So say it out loud; absorb the sound. Isn’t it lovely? Say it again; my friend’sssssss boyfriend. Really accentuate that ‘s’. Close your eyes, say it one more time, and think about those lovely little Saxon genitive fairies fluttering merrily about. We native speaking folk love the Saxon genitive and you should too.


7. English is a ‘Subject + Verb + Object’ Language

Example: The teacher wipes away with a tissue his tears. 

Correction: The teacher wipes away his tears with a tissue

Regarding the S+V+O thing, if you’re thinking something like “so is Spanish”, you’ll be pleased to know you’re right! The difference is that in English we actually maintain that order (inversions aside) when we form phrases. Listen, syntax is a huge topic and I’m not going to go into it too deeply here, but please do try to remember the basics. Here’s a good, if massively simplified, way to think about it.


To be clear, ‘bla bla blacovers things like prepositional phrases and times; ‘on the beach’, ‘last week’, and other such phrases. It doesn’t cover adverbs. Words such as ‘normally’ and ‘quickly’ are not considered bla bla bla’ under my definition.

So the simplest advice I can give you is this:

just put the bla bla bla at the end of the sentence.

If you insist on complicating things, I’ll even let you do this:

put the time at the beginning sometimes (if you promise to use a comma).

But you have to promise me that you won’t put it between the verb and the object.


‘I eat with a spoon soup’ is a really ugly, awkward phrase. It’s even a bit difficult to understand.

While we’re on the topic of syntax, don’t say ‘It’s hotter Spain than Wales’. Make ‘Spain’ the subject of the sentence, for heaven’s sake. Just say ‘Spain is hotter than Wales.’ Spain is the subject of the phrase. It’s as simple as that.



6. Not a Single Schwa to be Heard

Example and Correction:

What’s the most common vowel sound in English? Is it the ‘a’ in ‘apple’? Is it the ‘e’ in ‘effort’ or the ‘o’ in ‘hotter’?

No, it’s none of those, but if you just said those three words out loud, you should just have used it… three times.

The second syllable of each of those words contains a schwa. It’s often called a neutral vowel. Listen below and practice pronouncing it. It’ll transform your spoken English, I promise you. It’s a thing of beauty and the inspiration for the name of this blog.


I know, I know, Spanish, once you’ve learnt a few simple rules, is more or less a ‘say what you see’ language in terms of pronunciation. English isn’t. Deal with it. Work on it. Listen well. Imitate. I know you can do it. Channel the schwa and save our ears from those harsh open vowels.


5. Every Phrase Needs a Subject

Example: Is sad when a sentence lacks a subject. 

Correction: It’s sad when a sentence lacks a subject.

English verbs don’t have many conjugations. You guys are so lucky in that respect. If you don’t fully appreciate your luck, may I suggest you try translating the following phrases into Spanish and see how many verb conjugations you use?

I went, you went, we went, they went, she went

Did you have fun? So, when you say ‘Fuimos al supermercado without saying ‘nosotros’, it doesn’t matter becausefuimoscan only refer to ‘nosotros’. You don’t need to say it. It’s completely unnecessary.

If you say ‘Went to the supermarket’ in English, however, everyone is going to give you a confused look and say, possibly in a slightly annoyed tone, ‘Who?’

Now I’m sure you all knew that already so why do I keep hearing things like ‘Is good’ or ‘Is raining a lot’ or ‘is important to begin a phrase with a subject’?

What is good? What is raining? You’re not giving me the information I need to understand the sentence.

It’s good.

It’s raining.

It’s important to begin a phrase with a subject

If you remember one thing from this blog entry, let it be that.


4. For To

Example: I’m only doing this for to help you. 

Correction: I’m only doing this to help you.

If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard some version of this mistake, I’d be living on a private yacht somewhere in the Bahamas. Fantastic for me but bad news for you guys. Who would point out all your mistakes after I was gone? Think of all those innocent ears that would just have to go on bleeding…

‘Para’ in Spanish creates all kinds of problems in English. One of its main functions is to express purpose. Look at the following example and see how ‘para’ explains why you are visiting this blog, thus expressing purpose.


Please, please, please, for the love of all that is good in the world, don’t translate this phrase using ‘for’ in place of ‘para’. As a teacher, I hear various versions of this mistake:

‘For improve’, ‘for to improve’, ‘for improving’…

Guess what… they’re all wrong. None of them makes any sense.

Just forget about ‘para’. Banish it from your mind.

In English, we usually use infinitives to explain purpose and infinitives always begin with ‘to’. All you have to say is:


If you want to be really fancy and formal, you can even say:


But promise me you will never say for to improve my English’. You know what happens when you say it…


3. Depend Of

Example: This mistake probably depend of your native language. 

Correction: This mistake probably depends on your native language.

A classic case of mother-tongue-interference, this frustratingly common mistake comes from depende de’ in Spanish. When you guys speak English, it often comes out as ‘depend of’, which is just wrong wrong wrong.

First of all, the phrase needs a subject: ‘it’. You remember that, right? Every phrase needs a subject.

Then the verb needs to be conjugated in the third person: ‘depends’. You really have no excuse for this one because depende is in the third person singular too.

Then we need to use the right preposition: ‘on’.

Now we can put it all together and say:


There are cases where ‘on’ isn’t necessary. We can omit it when we useif / whether or question words such as ‘how’, where’, ‘when’, ‘how many’, ‘why’ and so on.


But remember we can never ever say ‘depend of. It hurts me even to type it just now. I can feel the blood collecting in my ear canal…


2. Used To

Example: I’m used to make horrible mistakes in English.

Correction: I usually make horrible mistakes in English. 

I’ve asked myself many times where exactly this annoyingly common mistake comes from and I can only assume it’s some weird mix of estar acostumbrado and ‘soler’. So let’s have a look at one of these weird sentences that you guys form sometimes:

I’m used to go to the gym at about 9am.

Is that something you might say? Be honest with yourself. The first step towards fixing a problem is accepting that you have one. I promise not to shout…

‘I’m used to go to the gym’ is just totally wrong. It’s like ‘soler’ and ‘estar acostumbrado’ had a regrettable night of sex, made a bastard son, and sent him away to be raised by the English. It doesn’t make any sense and it’s grammatically impossible.

There are two possible (and correct) things you could be trying to say:

I’m used to going to the gym at 9am. (Notice the ‘ing’ verb after the preposition ‘to’)

I usually go to the gym at 9am. (Notice we removed ‘am used to’ and replaced it with ‘usually’)

These two phrases express slightly different ideas and, from my experience as a teacher, you guys usually mean the second one.



Remember, ‘used to’ can refer to past habits, but never present ones. You can express the idea of ‘solía, soliamos…’ but never ‘suelo, solemos…’


I have a joke for you: Did you hear the one about the native Spanish speaker who said ‘I’m used to go to the gym’?

He died in a pool of ear blood.


1. The People Is

Example: Why is the people so insistent on making this mistake?

Correction: Why are people so insistent on making this mistake?

There’s a very good reason this mistake is my personal number one and it’s not just because people say it all the bloody time. No, this little error tops the list because it’s actually two mistakes all rolled up into one. It makes both ears bleed at the same time. A lot.

The first problem, of course, comes from ‘gente’, which is singular. The English word, ‘people’, however, is plural.

If ‘the people is still sounds okay to you, please please please read the previous sentence again and then repeat after me:


I’m sorry for shouting but this one is really hard on my ears. People is a plural noun. The verb has to be in the third person plural. Please, if only for your teacher’s sake, remember that saying ‘people’ is like saying ‘they’ and stop putting an ‘s’ on the end of present verbs.


As you may have noticed from my previous examples, the second part of our problem is the article. You see, in English, we don’t tend to use articles when we generalise.

If you want to say something like ‘La gente no presta suficiente atención a los articulos, promise me that you won’t just translate each word and say ‘The people doesn’t pay enough attention to the articles’.

It sounds horrible. It’s wrong! You’re talking about people in general and people is a plural noun. You’ve just made two mistakes. Take a deep breath and repeat after me:

People don’t pay enough attention to articles.

People don’t pay enough attention to articles.


That brings us to the end of my top ten Spanish mistakes and me personally to a moment of quiet reflection.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I was so cruel to you all. I just get angry sometimes and say things I don’t really mean. You know I love you really, don’t you? Now, just before you leave, a quick note:

I produce all these posts for free and in my own time. It’s a lot of work. All I ask of you in return is this:

If you found this article helpful, useful, annoying compelling or even, dare I say it, educational, please share it using social media; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on. Let the karma both go and come around. ¡Hasta luego!


  1. Great blog! I would include the mix between personal and object pronouns, modals with “to”, but still you did mention the most important indeed. Thanks for your effort and time

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment too. I did spend a fair amount of my time on this article so I really appreciate it.

      I actually thought about including modal with ‘to’. If the list had had a couple more entries, it would have been there.

      I hope to see you here again. Cheers.


    1. Hahaha, I’m sure your English is already great! We all mistakes… and your teacher’s ears don’t really bleed 🙂 There’ll be another post in a couple of days so please come back and improve even more. Poco a poco….

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is bloody brilliant! I’ve been living in Catalonia for 14 years and attempting to teach English for much of that time. It’s great to know that others feel my pain too! Haha! Thanks for making me laugh out loud. 😂😂😂 Another thing that drives me crazy is the incorrect use of he/she which I just don’t understand! I get why the choice between his and her can be tricky (especially when saying ‘his wife’ or ‘her brother’) but he and she? Come on, people!! Glad to have found your blog – looking forward to reading more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Laetitia. I’ve been here in Barcelona for almost 10 years. Not quite as long as you, but certainly long enough to be able to publish a top 10.

      The ‘he/she’ one is really hard to explain. I suppose the fact that Spanish/Catalan usually omits the subject doesn’t help, but it’s still a strage one. As you said, I can sympathise with ‘his/her’ becuase ‘su’ doesn’t have gender.

      Hope to see you again soon and feel free to get in touch too. It’s always nice to hear from fellow teachers.



  3. Great post!!

    Even though I would like to remark something; Don’t be surprised of Spanish people not using “advance things” like the Saxon Genitive Sometimes if our rough pronunciation makes it difficult to makes us be understood by others, adding something like this to the formula (our sentences) will make the message even more difficult to be understood.

    I’m just thinking how many times I find myself needing to repeat a whole sentence in a more easier and direct way than the one “more grammatically correct” I tried initially, just because on the first try I got a “what?!” WITHOUT POINTING OUT what your “what?!” refers to… So that most of us cannot simply repeat a mispronounced word, because we you don’t say which part you found difficult to understand.

    Basically because of these things I find myself most of the time not trying to construct better sentences, in my personal experience 95% of the people that say “what?” won’t specify what they want us to repeat…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there Jhon,

      You make a really interesting point about non-native speakers commuicating with each other. I think you always have to keep in my mind who you’re speaking with and sometimes that might mean using a less advanced structure that communicates (more or less) the same idea. It’s something I have to do constantly as a teacher. We call it ‘grading’ your language.

      Now that English is the global language, this kind of thing needs a lot more consideration.

      Thanks for commenting and please come back! There’ll be a new post each week.


    1. Hahaha… you obviously learnt a lot 😉 Thanks for reading and please come back… and share… share a lot 😀


  4. You’re spot on, Patrick! I’ve been in Barcelona since May 2000 and all of these rang true for me! Your engaging writing style had me giggling!! With reference to your response to another post above, I was also thinking of ‘modal verb + to’ (followed by a little trickle of blood from one ear). I’m sure there’ll be a Part 2 at some point. If you agree, perhaps you might consider adding ‘We are four persons (in my family)’. Another one which I’ve noticed quite a lot recently with various students who have no connection with each other is the strange confusion with when to use the possessive adjective ‘your’ when they actually mean to say ‘his’ or ‘her’ (the other ear starts bleeding now!). Oooh, and another one: ‘My teacher she is fantastic!’ – no ‘she’ please! (but the ‘fantastic’ can stay!) 🙂 I’ll be sharing this great post with some of my students!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Frances. Thanks a lot, mate. I really appreciate the feedback.

      The ‘your’ mistake is weird because ‘tu’ and ‘su’ are distinct but you’re right; I hear it all the time. As for the modal verbs… I’m already working on a post!

      Thanks very much for sharing! I hope your students enjoy it.

      You’ve been here ages.. I’d love to pick your brains about a few things if you fancy continuing the conversation. I’ll have a look at your website now.



      1. You’re welcome, Patrick! Yes, I can’t understand why there’s confusion around ‘your’ either! I look forward to your ‘modals’ post!

        Of course I don’t mind you picking my brains, although they’re rather frazzled at the moment!!! Sooo much work! (I’m sure you know how that goes!).

        Keep the blog posts coming – I love your writing style! 🙂


  5. Humorous post and very true, but indeed a little mean! Allow me to be a bit mean too and suggest you correct the word “gymnasio” in those Spanish sentences. 😉 We don’t really use the letter “Y” that way. As a Spaniard who has managed to become fluent in English (I live in the US), one of my biggest challenges is using the propositions “in, on, at” correctly. It’s tough to go from “en” to one of three choices. Although I mostly understand when to use each of them and don’t make as many mistakes in writing, I have to say it’s difficult not to make mistakes of that kind while holding a fluid conversation. The issue with mispronouncing vowels and the different types of “S” sounds is also hard to overcome. Our brains are hardwired a certain way, and it is hard to work around those issues. I’m sure you feel the same way when speaking Spanish; what you say and what you’d like to say is not always the same thing. Right? Anyway, thanks, good post. I’m sure it’ll help some people! 🙂


  6. Hilarious! Sad though it is, it is nice to know others feel the pain! Sometimes I wonder what in the hell I am doing as a teacher that my students repeatedly say, “…the people is…”, agghhhhh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Philippa. I guess if nobody corrects these mistakes early on, they become fossilised and then it becomes really hard to break the habit. It happened to me with ‘intentar’ in Spanish. I thought for years it was ‘intentar a’ and no one corrected me. It’s taken me about a year to stop it slipping out.

      Glad you enjoyed the post anyway. I hope to see you among the comments again! Cheers.


  7. La lista está muy buena y me encuentro en varias situaciones (mi inglés es técnico y escrito, muy poco verbal) Ahora sería mucho mas divertida, y extensa, una lista de las personas que hablan en forma nativa inglés y tratan de hablar en español, ¿no?.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Hi. It’s nice to know that I don’t have those mistakes (I think). I can’t think about the Blane (or Trump) speech that says: “…And we give it back to you…the people”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is a great post! Thanks!!!
    Just a couple of comments:
    1. Spanish teachers also suffer a lot when they teach English-speaking monolinguals. Trust me 😉
    2. En español escribimos “gimnasio”, no “gymnasio”. Nobody is perfect! 😉 Language learning is a lifelong task / process! Thanks for helping others with your posts!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers, Álvaro. Thanks for the feedback. I promise I’ll never make that ‘gimnasio’ mistake again 😉

      You’re absolutely right! I know how my Spanish teacher suffered with me in the early days – in fact, I think she still does.

      It’s absolutely a lifelong process. I tell all my students exactly that. Making mistakes is a vital part of that process and how we improve.

      I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope to see you here in the comments again. I love hearing from other teachers. Take it easy!


  10. I had no idea that Saxon genitive was so prone to be ignored. Misused? Yeah, sure! But just dropped altogether? I mean, it’s so different from Spanish constructs that it naturally stands out when you first hear about it. I personally find more difficult to know when _not_ to use it. Why do you way “House of Cards” and “Head of State”? Why do you translate “día de tormenta” as “storm day” and not “storm’s day” or “day of storm”? This calls for an article…

    The “banana” sample is awesome. You know, we Spaniards grow up with five vowels and we simply cannot conceive something like /bəˈnɑːnə/. It’s beyond our mental schemes. We’re busy trying to pronounce those tricky strings of consonants at the end of words* and totally overlook that vowels are the real trouble.

    Last but not least, I’m pretty sure I always use “people are”. But it isn’t intuitive and it’ll never be. I need to think about every single time. *sigh*

    Cool young blog, BTW. I think I’ll hang around.

    P.S. Sorry if this is a repost. Yesterday I got some weird prompts upon submission and I can’t see my previous comment.

    (*) Not “words’ end”, I presume

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Álvaro,

      It wasn’t a repost; don’t worry about it. It obviously didn’t work yesterday. Cheers for taking the time to comment. I appreciate the feedback.

      Regarding your first point about the Saxon genitive, you’d be surprised how often it’s ignored completely. I give around 5 or 6 classes a day and it pretty much always comes up in every one of them.

      You made a really good point, though. The tricky part is often knowing when NOT to use it. You’re right; it’d make a great blog post. I’ll add it to the list. Speaking as a teacher, I don’t mind telling you that it’s something I find really hard to explain. It’s one of those things that often feels as though you need to have some kind of native (or near native) intuition to get right. I’ll have to do some proper research before the post comes out. I know it’s often just a stylistic choice but other times one, or the other, sounds really awkward.

      I always use the ‘banana’ example in class. It’s great because it has two schwas and it’s weirdly memorable.

      Saying ‘worked’ correctly is really tricky for a lot of you guys but, as you said, it’s stands out so much when it’s wrong that people usually make a big effort to correct it. Schwas, on the other hand, just get ignored. Poor schwas. That’s why I really wanted to draw attention to them in my post.

      One day, Álvaro… one day ‘people are’ will seem just as natural as the Saxon genitive already does for you. I believe in you 😉

      Thanks for the encouragement anyway. I hope you do hang around. I’d like to see you again in the comments. I like chatting about the points that come up in the articles just as much as writing the posts themselves. Your English is great, by the way. A really well written reply.

      (*) You presume correctly! ‘at the end of words’.


  11. Buenísimo! Yo estoy empezando y cometo algunos de esos errores (Lo siento por tus orejas sangrantes…), pero voy a mejorar. Me ha sido super útil!
    Moltes gràcies👏

    Greetings from Catalonia!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. De res, Marc 🙂

      Has vist que hi ha articles en català també? A més, faré molts més en 2019!

      Bon any!!


      1. Sí, ho he vist. Gràcies per donar-li vida al català. Ets un crac!
        Seria una pasada que fessis més articles, són or pur per mi… hahaha.

        Molt bon any Patrick!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi! Thanks for this blog! They all apply to the common mistakes I hear here in Ecuador also (especially since I am currently teaching in a hotel [in Galapagos :D] and a lot of the students are self-taught!) But as many people have pointed out and what I point out to my students every day is that we all make mistakes (and really stupid ones) and the only way we can work through them is practice practice practice!


  13. Hi Patrick, this post definitely resonates with a lot of us English teachers living in Spain. Thanks for pointing out these mistakes – they’re all true classics. And those illustrations! 🙂 Now how about a post focusing on typical pronunciation mistakes? I’m thinking of words such as Monday, colour, company, etc… or consonant clusters such as Spain, bus stop, strong … Glad I found your blog; I look forward to new posts.

    Greetings from Madrid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Elborg Nopp and cheers for the suggestion. A new post is long overdue so I’ll be seeing to that soon.

      Greetings to you too – from Barcelona.

      p.s. your username makes me think of a Scandinavian pixie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re not so far off actually 😂. Elborg is a Norwegian name – but I’m not a pixie, as far as I know.


  14. I guess you are trying to teach by being funny and the ear blood thing is a joke but… it is terrible. It just made me feel ignorant and bad about a language that is not my mother tongue and I am trying to get better at it. You should change your ways, honestly.
    And, well, I imagine you know this, but just pronouncing the schwa is not enough. In many cases I cannot even perceive the difference, partly because nobody properly teached me English phonetics. I can shout the difference between how my name is pronounced in Spanish and the English word “undress” all day long but probably few English native speakers will get it because that is not the way to teach it.


    1. Judging by the level of English in your post, you have no reason to feel ignorant, Andrés. There’s some great language in there.

      Sorry you feel that way, Andrés. My intention was just to make people laugh at themselves a bit. Judging by the comments, plenty of people enjoyed it while some others didn’t appreciate my sense of humour. That’s fine.

      You’re right. It is a joke and it is terrible. In fact, terrible jokes are my favourite kind.

      I don’t know whether you took the time to read the article to the end but I did try to make it clear that it was written very much “tongue in cheek”.

      I have a feeling that my blog might not be for you – and that’s fine. The internet is full of free resources that people like me have spent their free time producing. Might I suggest that you check some of them out?


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